Hello, today at online course 8. kyu we will look at Kick: mae-geri. Below you will find a link to the training video and training materials. 😉 Play training video and start training now. I look forward to meeting you at Karate365.org.
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Hello, today at online course 8. kyu we will look at Yoko-otoshi-tetsui-uchi. Below you will find a link to the training video and training materials. 😉 Play training video and start training now. I look forward to meeting you at Karate365.org.
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Hello, today at online course 8. kyu we will look at Soto-mawashi-shuto-uchi. Below you will find a link to the training video and training materials. 😉 Play training video and start training now. I look forward to meeting you at Karate365.org.
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Hello, today at online course 8. kyu we will look at Block age-uke. Below you will find a link to the training video and training materials. 😉 Play training video and start training now. I look forward to meeting you at Karate365.org.
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Hello, today at course 8. kyu we will look at Basic punch. Below you will find a link to the training video and training materials. 😉 Play training video and start training now. I look forward to meeting you at Karate365.org.
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Hello, welcome at the online course 8. kyu! You can find first video below. 🙂 Play first video and start training now. I look forward to meeting you at Karate365.org.
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I apologize to all my online karatekas in the program www.karate365.org that new episodes are not currently appearing at the frequency you are normally used to. I had to deal with my health in these days. However, everything is going in the right direction, so you can look forward to new parts of online trainings...
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